How to Send a Custom Invoice

If you'd like to send a custom invoice to a customer, you can now do so inside Stan! Whether you worked on a custom project outside of your normal Store offerings, or, you'd like to offer a special initial deposit to a customer, you can do so by creating a one-off, custom invoice to any customer in your Customers tab!

To do so, follow the simple steps below:

  1. Start in your Customers tab
  2. Search your customer using the filters
  3. Click into their purchase history and select Send Invoice in the top righthand corner

  1. Next, fill out the Description (i.e. Coaching Deposit, Bonus Program Payment, etc)
  2. Then, fill out the Amount ($) you would like to charge your customer.

  1. After clicking Send, your customer will receive the invoice via Email and will be able to pay this invoice using a credit/ debit card.
  2. Once the payment has been made, you will be notified and the invoice transaction will turn green!

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