Can I Integrate a Credit Card Field for PayPal?

Great question! As of right now, you cannot integrate a credit card field for PayPal. This can only be done through Stripe, our other payment processes.

Here's What the Credit Card Fields Look Like on Your Store:

If you have Stripe connected, it'll look like this! Your customer will have the option to pay with a credit card and fill out the required fields.

If you have PayPal connected, the checkout page will will appear as a pop-up, rather than being integrated with the page. They can either pay with an existing PayPal account, or checkout with their credit or debit card. This is what the pop-up looks like:

💭 What if I Can't Register With Stripe Or PayPal?

Unfortunately, Stripe and PayPal are the only two payment processors we currently support. That being said, we're always looking for feedback! If there is a popular payment processor in your community that you would like to request, please send us an email at!

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