How to Transfer Affiliate Links to Stan Store Accounts

After you've launched your affiliated product, customers can purchase it and become affiliates on your behalf! After purchasing the product, they'll receive a special confirmation email to set everything up. They will then use this email to connect the Affiliate link to their existing Stan store account, or create a new, free Affiliate only account!

Transferring Affiliate Links to Stan Store Accounts

You, or your affiliate, will likely come across a scenario where a customer is an active Stan user with a Stan store and accidentally creates a Stan Affiliate account. This happens if a customer purchases your affiliated product using a different email address than what's associated with their Stan store. No worries though - we can totally fix this! 💪

In order to transfer your affiliate link to your Stan store account, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Affiliate account!
  2. Click on the three dots next to your Affiliate link and click "Transfer Affiliate Link":

  1. Then, you will see a pop up in which you need to enter your Stan store username and your email address.

  1. After you enter this info, click "Transfer Affiliate Link".
  2. Your affiliate link will now be in your Stan store account! Repeat as necessary for other Affiliate links.

🚨Heads up! If you have any commissions from previous Affiliate sales in the Income tab on your Affiliate only account, these funds will not be moved over when you transfer the link. Only future sales and payments will be available in your Stan store account.

Don't worry, you will still be able to login to your affiliate only account in order to cash out your commissions! Make sure you have a payment processor set up!

If you have any trouble with this, please reach out to with both the email associated with your Affiliate account as well as your Stan Store, and we'll fix it ASAP!

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