Common Stan AutoDM Workflow Errors & Troubleshooting
Are you seeing an error with your Stan AutoDM workflow? Check out this article to see the most common errors steps to troubleshoot them 💪
✨ Heads up! This feature is currently in BETA, if you'd like to join in please reach out to!
Most Common Workflow Errors for Stan AutoDM
⏳Wait 24 hours!
After you finish connecting Instagram in your Stan dashboard, you should see a little message that says Success! at the top of your page. If you don't see that Success! message (shown below), there is a chance something went wrong on Instagram's side. As we do not have access to their backend, we are unable to determine an immediate solution just yet, however we have found that trying again after 24 hours resolves this problem!
✅ Check your Stan permissions!
When you click connect in the Stan AutoDM tab of your Stan dashboard, there’s a popup that asks you to grant permission to Stan. Heads up — you have to click that Allow button in order for the connection to go through!! It's super important to click that button instead of closing out of the popup. If you close the popup before grating Stan permission, the connection will be incomplete.
📱Check your Instagram permissions!
If you aren't seeing your messages firing, you can also double check your instagram permissions to see if you granted IG permission properly. You can do this in Instagram in Settings>Website Permissions>Apps & Websites>Stan.
You should see Stan on that page just like this:
If you don't see Stan, the connection is not complete! Please go back to your Stan AutoDM tab in your Stan Dashboard and reconnect your Instagram.
🫣 Still having trouble connecting your IG?
If you've tried all of these steps and still cannot connect your Instagram, please reach out to for further support!