How Do I Resend a Course Login to My Customer?
How to Resend the Course Login to Your Customer
Here are the Steps!
- Head over to the My Store tab
- Locate the course product, click the three dots on the righthand side, and select Analytics
3. Next, use the customer's name or email address to find the course participant.
4. Click the three dots on the righthand side and select Send Course Link to resend the course link email or choose Copy Course Link to send the link to the customer directly.
Here are More Steps!
- Make your way to the Income tab and find your customer using their name or email address.
- Next, click into the course purchase and choose Send Course Link to resend the course link email to your customer.
What Happens if My Customer's Email Address is Incorrect?
No worries, you can definitely fix this from your end!
- Make your way to the Customer tab and click into the customer's account.
- Click the three dots on the righthand side and choose Edit Customer.
- You can edit your customer's email address and Save! After you've done this, you can follow the steps above.