How to Make My First Sale on Stan (w/ Statistics)

We've taken the time to study the top-performing Stan Store and have some awesome stats to share with you! Check em' out below:

Adding Stan to Your Socials Will Increase Sales! 🤑

Stan Customers with Stan in their TikTok & IG bio earn 2.8x more GMV on average than those without it? 

More Store Views = More Money!  

Did you know that on average, it takes 100 store views in order to make your first sale? Make sure you're driving customers to your store by posting about it on your socials! People won't know you have a store unless you tell them!

Stores with a FREE Digital Product are 43% More Likely to Make $100!

Offering a $49+ Product/Service Will Increase Your Odds of Making $100 🤑

Add a coaching call or digital product priced at ($49+) to increase your odds of making $100 in first 30d by 3.5x!

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