How to Resend a Custom Product to Your Customer

You can definitely resend a custom product to your customer! See the instructions below to find out how.

Option 1:

If you have a custom product that you've already fulfilled and would like to resend it, you can:

  1. Select the customer's name from the Income tab
  2. Click "Unfulfill Order" button
  3. You'll be prompted to re-upload your product. You can then fulfill it again with your new product!

Option 2:

If your customer misspelled their email or for some other reason the email with the product didn't arrive, you can resend it from within your Stan account! 

  1. Click on the Customers tab
  2. Select the customer
  3. Select the product they purchased
  4. Click the red "Update Delivery" button in the top right hand corner of the Order Overview and this will open a pop-up window
  5. You can type in the email and click the "Resend" button

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