Age Requirement to Use Stan

In order to start accepting payments using Stan, you'll need to be at least 18 years old. Although this age requirement is not monitored by Stan, our payment processors, Stripe and PayPal both require this age limit when registering for an account with them.

Stripe Custom Connect Age Requirement

Stan uses a Custom Connect Stripe account, which have a minimum age requirement of 18. If the birthdate entered is under the age of 18, Stripe will display an error message and will not allow you to complete the sign-up process until the age is updated to meet the requirement.

Learn more at Stripes website here.

PayPal Age Requirement

If you are an individual, you must be a resident of one of the countries/regions listed on the PayPal Worldwide page and at least 18 years old, or the age of majority in your country/region of residence to open a PayPal account and use the PayPal services.

If you are a business, the business must be organized in, operating in, or a resident of one of the countries/regions listed on the PayPal Worldwide page to open a PayPal account and use the PayPal services.

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