How to Change Your Currency In Stan

Using Currencies Other Than USD

At this time, Stan offers the option to price your products in USD, AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, SEK and NZD, however you may accept payment from any other country as long as the customer pays with a valid credit or debit card. 

Customers who are purchasing from you internationally, will incur an additional transaction fee per Stripe's payment processing system. Please visit Stripe for further details.

To Change Your Currency Inside Stan

1. First, select Settings

2. Next, select the tab that says Payment/Currency Settings. If you have not connected your Stripe account, you must do so first prior to changing the currency of your store. 

3. Once Stripe is connected, click on the drop down to select the currency you would like to set your Stan store to and click Update.

4. Your Stan store will automatically start displaying in the new currency you have set. 

Please Note!

  • Any Digital Products/ Offers that you have in your store will NOT automatically adjust to the currency conversion. Please be sure to manually update the pricing in each of your store items.
  • All past transactions will continue to display in the previous currency that they were sold in. 
  • You cannot change your currency if you do not have Stripe connected. If you're only connected to Paypal, then Paypal won't have an option for you to change your currency.

Can I still sell in USD if my local currency is different?

Yes! Upon cashing out from your Income tab, we will automatically convert your money to your local currency. 

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