Why is Zapier Not Working?
Having trouble with setting up Zapier and another tool? Don't worry, we know how you feel and have some simple steps to check that should clear things up in no time.
In order for Zapier to find a customer when running the test, there must be an existing customer in your Stan account who has already purchased the digital product.
If you're seeing this error when sending a test trigger try this:
1. Set your digital product as FREE in Stan (or create a 100% off Discount Code for yourself)
2. Visit your public Stan Store and continue to purchase your own digital product
3. Wait a few minutes, then retry running this Zapier test.
4. Zapier should find you as a customer. If not, try again in 5 min.
Still having issues with Zapier?
Reach out to friends@stanwith.me and someone from our team would be happy to help!