How to Update Your Bank Details for a Stripe Express Account

Please note: This is only for Creators who have signed up for Stan prior to August 1, 2023 and are using a Stripe Express account with Stan. Creators who signed up after this date are using Stripe Custom accounts and will need to follow these instructions instead.

To edit the bank details for where you'll receive your payouts from Stan, follow the below steps:

  1. Login to Stan and click on Settings in the bottom left.
  2. Select Payments from the top tabs.
  3. Click on the Manage Account button next to Stripe.
  4. Select Manage Account.
  5. Next, click on the Profile (person) icon in the top right hand corner.

  1. Scroll down and select Payout Details (Stan)
  2. Stripe will send you an SMS with an authorization code and prompt them to enter it on the Dashboard page. Once the authorization code is verified, you can then update your bank account or payout card.

  1. Click +Add Account

  1. Add new bank information and then once done, you can update it to be the default payment method FIRST and then once the new payment method is set as a default, you can then proceed to remove the older payment method.


If you're still unable to edit the bank details, you may need to try clearing your cache:

  1. Log off from Stripe.
  2. Clear your browser's cache and cookies: How to clear:
  3. Log back in to Stripe.
  4. Then retry the process

Using a different browser have solved the problem many times for our users so please give that a try if the first solution does not work.

If you're still having issues, please reach out to

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