How to Create a Coaching Call Product 📆

What is the Coaching Call Product?

This is our Calendar feature on Stan, which completely replaces the need for any third-party tools like Calendly or Acuity Scheduling! Integrate with your Google Calendar, so you only get booked when you’re available, send the Google Meeting invite on your behalf, and block time on your calendar as soon as you’re booked! Let's dig in!

Choosing the Product

  1. Go to My Store and Click Add Product
  2. Select the Coaching Call product type

Editing the Thumbnail

  1. Choose how you'd like the thumbnail/button to display on your storefront. You can select and style and add an image.

Editing the Checkout/Landing Page

  1. Select an image for the header, and write up a title and description for your checkout/landing page. This is what your customers will see when they click into the actual product!

  1. Confirm your pricing! Just a heads up, Add Discount Code, Limit Quantity, and Offer Payment Plan are only available on our Pro plan.
  2. Confirm what information you'd like to collect from your customers and add additional fields if you'd like!

Finalizing Your Options

  1. Configure your Availability by updating the following. Here's a bit more information on each section.
    1. Meeting location - Make sure you're integrated with either Google Calendar and/or Zoom!
    2. Time zone and duration of meeting
    3. Preventing customers from booking within a certain amount of hours to give you some lead time
    4. Maximum number of attendees to the meeting
    5. Adding buffers before and after your meetings, to give you a breather
    6. How far in advance a customer can book a call with you
    7. Selecting your available times

And lastly, choose your availability in the Select available times section!

You can also add multiple time slots throughout the day by clicking on the + icon next to the first slot!

Adding Email Reminders

Add Email Reminders, so your customers don't miss their meeting with you!

  1. Head to your Options tab
  2. Then locate the Reminders tab. You can configure the subject and body of the email, as well as how often the reminder go out (i.e. 1 day before the meeting, 1 hour before the meeting).

  1. Edit your Confirmation Email. This is what your customers will receive once they'd purchased and booked the call with you.

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