What Can Stanley Do For You?

Here are a handful of things that our AI Creator Assistant, Stanley, can do for you!

❓Answer Questions About How to Use Stan

Stanley can answer any questions you have related to using Stan and the different features / functionality on Stan.

Example questions:

"How do I Cash Out?”

”How do I sell a digital download product on Stan?”

”How can I change my currency in Stan?”

🦾 Generate Text Based on your TikTok or Instagram Content

Stanley can help you generate text for your products / socials / emails / ... by watching your TikTok / Instagram content to get a feel for your tone, ideas, and perspective. Then leveraging the knowledge and insights your sharing on socials to generate you other content.

Example questions:

“Generate a 10 step getting started guide to UGC based on my content”

”Generate a TikTok script I can use for my next video based on content”

”Write an email I can send to new subscribers to my newsletter based on my content”

💰 Help you succeed as a Creator

Stanley can also provide tailored advice to you based on your content / Stan data on how you can become a more successful Creator.

Example questions:

“Generate me 10 ideas for digital products I can sell based on my content”

”How can I market my Stan Store without coming off as salesy?”

”Generate me 100 ideas for new TikTok videos based on my content”

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