How to Manually Add a Customer to an Email Flow

Creator Pro Feature✨

The Email Flow feature is only available on the Creator Pro plan. To upgrade, visit your Settings tab in your account, or click here to learn more.

You can manually add a contact to an email flow that has already been created! Here's how:

  1. Head over to your Customers tab and filter to whom you want to add
  2. Click on the 3 dots in the top right hand corner of your Customers tab
  3. In the submenu select 'Add To Email Flow'
  4. Click 'Add' and you're good to go!

Heads up! ⚠️

You may need to manually send the opt-in emails if the selected audience members have not previously opted in (such as people who were just imported).

🚨 Please Note!

As of now, it is not possible to manually remove a customer from an email flow. You can always set the Flow to automatically remove customers after a certain product purchase by toggling on the setting in Edit Email Flow, however you are not able to manually remove specific customers.

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