How to Create a Product You Can Sell Today

Ask Me Anything Video Responses (AMA) 🙋

This is the quickest offer you can set up and sell (literally within minutes of setting up your Stan store). Are you drowning in DMs from your followers asking for your advice? We Creators love helping our followers as much as we can, but the more we grow, the more impossible it becomes to answer everyone.

The solution? Sell personalized Ask Me Anything video responses. This means your inbox gets fewer DMs, your most dedicated fans get your advice, AND You make More Money.

Adding the Product to Your Store

  1. Go to the My Store tab, scroll to the bottom, and click + Add Product.

  1. It'll take you to a new page where you'll choose Custom Product.

Editing the Thumbnail

  1. Once you click into the product, you can go to the Thumbnail tab to edit the overall look and style of the how the button will display on your Stan store.

Editing the Checkout/Landing Page

  1. Select the header image for your landing page

  1. Write up your product description and add text to your buttons. This is what your customers will see once they click into the product itself, so use this space to describe what they're about to buy!

  1. Set your price! Please note that Adding Discount Code, Limit Quantity, and Offer Payment Plan are all features on our Pro plan.

  1. Customize the fields at checkout. We require name and email address, but you can add other fields too!

Additional Options (if you're on the Creator plan)

  1. You have the ability to add your own customer reviews! We'd suggest either taking screenshots of paste review to upload or copy/pasting responses from past customers.

  1. You can include a short promotional video!

  1. Be sure to edit the confirmation email as this is what your customers will receive once they place the order!

Delivering the Video:

Once your fans start requesting video responses from you, you can record the answer on your phone and then upload an order fulfillment.

Access your Unfulfilled Orders on your Stan Dashboard.

Pricing: $5-10 Per Question

Coaching Calls 📅

Offering followers the ability to book a 1:1 Call on your Calendar is one of the easiest products to sell. The "Product" is literally just your time and expertise. Your followers want to spend time with you and would love to pay for time on your calendar.

You can set up a Calendar Booking page on Stan and immediately start collecting payments for bookings. This is a great way to start understanding what your followers are willing to pay for.

Pricing: We recommend $30-60 per hour for starter coaches and $100+ for advanced coaches

How to Structure the Coaching Call:

We recommend offering either a 30 minute or 1-hour call.

  1. Discovery: Spend the first 25% of your call understanding the needs of your client, asking them "Discovery" questions to understand their situation and problems more.
  2. Diagnosis: Spend the next 25% of the call helping your client understand the current situation they are in, laying out the reasons for why they are where they're at.
  3. Immediate Solutions: Spend the following 25% laying out a game plan of how your client can improve their current situation, giving concrete examples for them to act on.
  4. Long-Term Solutions: Use the final 25% of your call to help your client build a specific plan with accountable and measurable goals. This is a good time for you to offer your help as a long-term coach, and offer a 5-session coaching package for you to continue working with them as a recurring client.

How to Conduct the Call:

Stan integrates directly with Google Calendar and will send Calendar Invites with a "Google Meet" link automatically for you.

This means that once you integrate your Google Calendar with Stan, your clients who book will automatically receive a meeting invite from you with a Google Meet link for the exact time they are meeting with you.

NOTE: Make sure to integrate your Google Calendar with Stan here!

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