Why Does "Held by Stan" Mean?

If you see funds in the Held by Stan balance, it means that Stan owes you money! This balance includes revenue that are either:

  1. Stan Referral Bonuses
    1. This type of income is when you have earned commission from referring someone to Stan! These bonuses typically become available to cash out every 3-5 business days.
  2. Affiliate Transactions
    1. Once a customer has purchased your product using an affiliate link, you will see the transaction inside your Income tab, along with the affiliate's name next to it.

      Stripe will hold onto these funds for both parties for 30-45 days before initiating a payout. The reason for this is to ensure that no refunds occur within the first 30 days of the transaction being processed. This way, if a refund needs to be processed, the funds are easily accessible.

      Your transactions will be visible in the Held By Stan section:

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