Can I Hide the Price of My Product on the Storefront Callout?

Unfortunately, there is no way to remove or hide the pricing from the callout at this time, but we do have a workaround that you can try! By using our Landing Page feature and our External Link/URL Product, you can remove the price from the front page of the Stan Store. All you need to do is follow these simple steps: 

Create a Landing Page

  1. In the My Store tab of your Stan dasboard, locate the product and click on the three small dots next to it.
  2. Click on Make Landing Page.

  1. Go to the Landing Page section and
  2. Click on the three small dots next to your newly made landing page.
  3. Click on Copy URL

Add a External Link/URL Product

  1. Go back to the Store section.
  2. Click on + Add Product

  1. Select the External Link/ URL product

  1. Set up the product to your liking using the URL for the Landing page. Check out this Help Center Article for in-depth steps on how to set up your External Link/URL product.

Now you have the product on your Store front where the price is only showing when you open up the product. Your customers will not be able to tell that it's a Landing Page as the page blends in seamlessly with your store.

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