How to Create a Payment Plan in Stan

Creator Pro Feature ✨

This feature is only available on the Creator Pro plan. To upgrade visit your Settings tab in your account, or click here to learn more.

Stan Payment Plans is an exciting new feature that allows you to increase your sales and off your audience more flexible ways to purchase from you! With Stan's payment plan feature, you can set different payments structures, allowing your audience to buy now and pay later!

How to Add a Payment Plan to Your Product

  1. Head over to your My Store tab and select the product you'd like to add a payment plan to
  2. Next, click on the Checkout Page and scroll down to the Price section

  1. Toggle on Add Payment Plan and fill out the following information:
    • Total price of the product
    • How often they're charged
    • Over how many months

For example, if the price of your product is $12 and you want them charged on a monthly basis across 12 months, it'd be $1 per month.

4.After clicking Save, check out your new payment plan on your live Stan store checkout!

🚨 Please note!

Stan Payment Plans is available for all products except the following:

  • Recurring Memberships
  • Courses with recurring payments
  • Inside Funnels

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if my customer cannot complete the remainder of their payments?

At the time the original purchase is made, we keep the customer's payment method on file, such as a credit card. If the card on file expires or has insufficient funds and a payment fails, we'll send out a reminder email, asking the customer to update their payment method.

Unfortunately, if the customer decides not to fulfill the remainder of your payments, these are funds you will lose and likely not recover. If you want complete assurance of payment, we recommend using AfterPay or Klarna.

Do I have to pay an additional fee to use the Stan Payment Plan?

No, this feature included in our Creator Pro Plan at no additional cost. In regards to other fees, you'll only be paying the normal Stripe transaction fees.

Will this allow customers in other countries to use it as a method of payment?

Yes! All customers, regardless of their country or location can purchase a product using the Stan Payment Plan. A huge benefit of using the Stan Payment Plan feature is to offer a payment plan with no locational restrictions.

Are there any repercussions for customers who don’t complete their payment plan?

Our motivation behind creating this feature is to provide more flexibility and avoid common restrictions, such as customers who are unable to purchase because they're outside your country of origin. The tradeoff here is that there's more risk on your end as the Creator to collect the payments. If you're not comfortable taking these risks, we encourage you to use AfterPay or Klarna instead.

If a customer purchases my product with the Stan Payment Plan, is it possible for them to cancel payments on their own?

Customers do not have the option to cancel their payments. They only have the ability to update their credit card information. However, if the credit card on file is declined, it could prevent the capture of full payment. If a credit card fails or declines, we'll send reminder emails to the customer to update their payment method.

If a customer can't fulfill their payments, what happens to their Recurring Membership or Course access?

If a customer's payment fails or declines and they can no longer fulfill their payments, you'll need to manually cancel this from your dashboard. If this particular payment is for a Recurring Membership, you'll need to Cancel their Subscription. If this particular payment is for a Course, you'll need to Revoke Access.

Is there any "contract" or Terms and Conditions I can add to the purchase agreement? Is there any way to ensure a customer will complete all of their payments?

As of right now, we do not provide custom Terms and Conditions, nor a specific contract to ensure payments - but we can definitely see how useful this would be! If you'd like to have this a feature request, please reach out to and once we gain enough traction, we'll be in touch to gather your valuable feedback!

What happens if I change the Payment Plan for a live product? For example, if I set up Product A with a payment plan of 3 months and then change it to 4 months, what happens to the customers already on the 3 month plan?

If you make any changes to your Payment Plan, all customers who purchased the original payment plan will not be affected! In the example above, if Customer A purchases product A on a 3 month payment plan and then you changed it to a 4 month payment plan, Customer A would still be on the 3 month payment plan.

If I choose to disable a Payment Plan for a product, what happens to the customer who's already using the Payment Plan?

Nothing changes! If a customer is already opted into a Payment Plan and you make any changes to the product, it will not affect the plan they're already on.

I'm trialing Creator Pro and I want to downgrade, but I have a customer using a Payment Plan! What happens?

Nothing changes! If a customer is already opted into a Payment Plan and you downgrade, they'll remain on the Payment Plan and need to fulfill the remainder of their payments.

Can I disable Afterpay and Klarna?

If you're on Creator Pro, Afterpay and Klarna are defaulted payment options at checkout and cannot be removed within your dashboard. If you'd like to disable Afterpay and Klarna, please reach out to and we can help you out! If we do this, Afterpay and Klarna will not be available for any paid products.

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