Email Flows Analytics Overview

Email Flows Analytics

  1. Go to the Email Flows tab. If you don't find it in your left hand menu, you'll find it in the + More tab
  2. In the Flows tab, click on the flow and you'll be able to view how many email you've sent in the flow, how many of those have been opened and how many % have clicked on any links in the email.

  1. The number of recipients your see next to the name of the email flow is the number of customers in that particular flow.

  1. You can also view the full list of recipients that have received that particular flow and their status.

Broadcast Analytics

  1. Go to the Email Flows tab. If you don't find it in your left hand menu, you'll find it in the + More tab
  2. Open the Broadcast tab.
  3. You'll now see a list of all your broadcasts and you can see how many emails have been sent with each broadcast, how many % opened the email, and the % of clicks in the email as well as the status of the broadcast.
  4. Click on the three small dots on the right and then on View Recipients and you'll find a list of all the recipients of that broadcast and their specific status.

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